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It's Our 4 Year Birthday!

It's Our 4 Year Birthday!

Well, not quite yet... May is our big "Birthday" Month, and we wanted to give you a little heads up... because we will be celebrating all month long!

Its been an incredible journey since May 2014.  We had the sudden inspiration from our founder Kabir Sidhu who (in retrospect) luckily forget the combination to his luggage and spent an hour trying every combination.  Had it not been for a little stroke of serendipity, the idea for the World's Most Innovative Smart Lock may have taken just a little longer to grow.

Kabir took his idea to Kickstarter and was rewarded with campaign that smashed every expectation.  The crowd loved the idea and the AirBolt reached target in only a few days.  From there, it was creating the amazing AirBolt team, working on many prototypes - and finally releasing the AirBolt smart lock!  In 2017, we won a Good Design Award, recognising how unique and innovative our travel accessory is.

So here it is - 4 wonderful, stressful, interesting and amazing years.  We've got a huge month planned for May, and we want you to celebrate with us.  Watch this space for some flash sales, and maybe even a contest or two!  We want to thank you for being right by our side these last 4 years.  We couldn't have made it without your support, and we can't wait to show you where we head too next.

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